Super-Natural Reds from the Loire Valley; Puzelat, Cousin, Mortier and More!

9/24/13 -

(Thierry and Jean-Marie Puzelat (photo: Bert Celce))

Some insanely delicious new wines have arrived, inspiring us to send this selection of Pineau D'Aunis, Gamay, Cabernet Franc and Pinot Meunier from our favorite organic folks in the Loire Valley. Please note that 2012 was a very small harvest in the Loire with many wines in short supply. And a special thank-you to Jean-Marie Puzelat, Thierry Puzelat and Pierre-Olivier Bonhomme, the trio behind the wonderful wines from Puzelat-Bonhomme and Clos du Tue-Boeuf. We first encountered the Puzelat brothers back in 1999, after forcing our way through a throng of Parisian hipsters at the Salon des Vins de Loire. There were a few question marks in our notes, but mostly just Wow! and Excellent! Their 2012s are particularly outstanding, we hope you give them a try...

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