New Year’s Resolution 2013: Learn about the Wine Business. Here’s how…

12/31/12 - We may be prejudiced because it’s our work, but we find the New York wine business to be endlessly fascinating, from growers to importers, distributors, beverage directors, and retail store buyers. Beginning in the 1970s and 80s, when importers, shops, and restaurants began to take an interest in fine wine, the New York wine industry has produced a stream of fascinating characters, drawn to the business from all walks of life. Ever wonder how Michael Skurnik met Helen Turley? Ever been curious about Eric Texier’s transformation from engineer and rock climber to Rhône Valley négociant extraordinaire? Want to spend a day in the life of a sommelier at one of the city’s top restaurants? How about a chat with Mike Wheeler, Brooklynguy, or David Bowler in the privacy of your living room? Now, thanks to the efforts of sommelier and wine luminary Levi Dalton, you too can explore the seamy underbelly of the New York wine business. These folks’ stories are available as podcasts and absolutely free! Some even feature present and former Chambers Street Wines staff members such as David Lillie and Chris Barnes! Please do yourself a favor and check out Levi Dalton and Matt Duckor’s work on “I’ll Drink to That,” a series of interviews with the New York wine industry’s movers and shakers.

You can listen to the latest podcast on, where you can also find links to older episodes on iTunes.



– Chambers Street Wines

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