New Arrivals from Domaine Huet 2023 - 1997


On the heels of our offer of a superb private collection of Vouvray from Domaine Huet, we are happy to offer the just released 2023 vintage wines from this great estate, along with a few older wines and the delicious 2019 Petillant!

2023 was a difficult vintage for vignerons throughout France with alternating bouts of heat and rain, but conditions were especially difficult in Touraine, where high temperature and attacks of mildew were compounded by the presence of fruit flies creating acid rot. "In 2023, sorting was key to the success of the wines. Every bunch was examined multiple times due to the arrival of the Suzukii fruit fly, which affected many parcels in Vouvray, turning juice into vinegar. At least 25% of the crop was rejected, and this rigorous approach seems to have paid off. Tasting the wines just weeks after they were bottled, I was very encouraged. However, there are just seven cuvées from Huet in 2023 with no demi-sec, moelleux or fully sweet wine from the Haut-Lieu vineyard." Thanks to Rebecca Gibb in Vinous.

Thus quantities available in this offer are very small, with low net prices as full cases may not be possible. Happily, early reviews of the wines have been excellent and we can't wait to try them, if there is any wine left!

"Biodynamic agriculture, practiced for more than thirty years, contributes to revealing the very essence of the terroirs in each of our cuvées. Thus, the suppleness of the brown clays of the Haut-Lieu, the chiselled flints of the Mont and the roundness of the limestones of the Clos du Bourg give Chenin an incomparable elegance." Domaine Huet

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