Cameron 2023 Dundee Hills Chardonnay
The 2023 Dundee Hills Chardonnay comes from a comination of Abbey Ridge and Clos Electrique fruit, made to be approachable and open in style while still exhibiting Cameron's signature precision and elegance. From the winery: "Lime leaf and orange blossom aromatics with a light touch of vanilla make me think of tarte au citron! A lovely rich mouth with some tartness and a long, mineral finish allows it to be both an aperitif while you’re cooking and it will go with the meal afterward, though if you drink enough while you’re cooking, this latter point will be unimportant!" It's one of the better value Chardonnays on the market and a great entrypoint to Cameron's exquisite winemaking. This is normally only sold in Oregon, so it's a special treat to have it available in the NY market!