Grandes Vignes 2022 Groslot Blanc

6 In stock

Jean-Francois has been experimenting with the small plot of Groslot (Grolleau) Blanc for many years, trying to figure out what approach is best for vinification. From what we can tell, only Jean-Francois and Nicolas Joly have experience with the grape, maybe that will change over the years. With the 2022, JF's approach was to take the majority of the fruit (80%) and do direct press and the remaining 20% of the grapes were destemmed and macerated with the skins for 3 months. Green and dried herbs, bright acidity, full flavor and body, totally dry and altogether quite interesting! A new blind that no-one will guess (except maybe Pascaline at Chambers!). 

Grandes Vignes 2022 Groslot Blanc
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