Nice Picks from the Fricks: Thomas, Pierre and Chantal Frick from Alsace
We're very proud to present new arrivals from Pierre and Chantal Frick in Alsace. Pioneers of organic and Biodynamic agriculture and among the first producers of natural, zero-sulfur wines, the Fricks continue to experiment, creating new and wonderful skin-contact and orange wines, many of which are offered today.
The Fricks work with each vintage according to what nature brings them, so there is great variation from year to year - and a diversity of cuvées, most of which are bottled without sulfites. Working organically since 1970, and certified Biodynamic since 1981, they have living soils that contribute to the health of the vines and the complexity of the wines.
Nous pratiquons la culture Biodynamique pour augmenter la vitalité des sols, des vignes et des vins et protéger l'environnement.
Nous cueillons et trions les raisins manuellement. Les jus fermentent avec levures indigènes. Sans ajout de sucre (chaptalisation) et sans aucune correction, chacune de nos cuvées exprime l'équilibre initial ne du terroir, du millésime et des soins apportes a la vigne. Nous ne fabriquons pas, nous élevons des vins authentiques et vivants.
Pour la pureté du vin... Une bouteille sur dix, bouchée au liège, ne restitue pas le vin dans sa pureté originelle. Nous évitons ces déboires grâce à la capsule inox et son joint en polyéthylène neutre et stable.
Emile Peynaud démontra que le vin murit avec son propre oxygène. 98% des Crémants et Champagnes se bonifient sous capsule jusqu'au dégorgement. La capsule couronne en inox assure une longue garde. Elle préserve intacte l'émotions contenue dans la bouteille
-Thomas, Jean-Pierre et Chantal Frick
We practice Biodynamics in order to increase the vitality of the soils, the vines and the wines, and to protect the environment.
We pick and sort the grapes manually. The juices ferment with indigenous yeasts. Without adding sugar (chapetilization) and without any correction, each of our cuvées (bottlings) expresses the initial balance born of the terroir, the vintage and the care given to the vines. We do not make, we raise authentic and living wines.
For the purity of the wine... One in ten bottles that are sealed with cork fail to restore the wine to its original purity. We avoid these setbacks thanks to the stainless steel capsule with a neutral and stable polytethylene seal.
Emile Peynaud demonstrated that wine matures with its own oxygen. 98% of Cremants and Champagnes improve under capsules until disgorging. The stainless steel crown capsule ensures long shelf life. It preserves intact the emotions contained in the bottle.
-Thomas, Jean-Pierre and Chantal Frick
By no means an expansive selection (given the breadth of the Frick lineup), today's offer is meant to reintroduce our readers to the wines from this seminal estate. Stock is relatively limited, save for the Maceration wines, but we will be receiving more wine from the Fricks soon - including some Riesling next time :)
For now, stay tuned and enjoy these pure, precise, living wines from Thomas, Pierre and Chantal Frick!