What's New in the Jura?

4/7/13 -

(Wink Lorch and Stéphane Tissot.)

It’s a rare occurrence that we ask you, dear customer, to direct the energy of your wallet to something other than the bottles that grace our shelves. We are doing so today in the interest of friendship, scholarship, and the overall understanding and promotion of the wines of the Jura. I had the great privilege to meet the lovely Wink Lorch a little over a year ago. She came to visit Chambers Street Wines to examine our wares, particularly our selections from the Jura, the small, eastern French wine region tucked away between Alsace to the north, Burgundy to the west, Savoie to the south, and the Swiss border to the east. Wink is a British travel writer who divides her time between London and the Savoie. She has written for various British publications including Jancis Robinson; she’s also an established wine educator and keeper of an excellent wine and travel blog called Wink's Wine and Travel World. Wink is also, without doubt, the most knowledgeable person I’ve ever met about the terroirs and producers of the Jura and Savoie. Wink is in the process of doing for the Jura essentially what Peter Liem has done for Champagne. She’s writing a comprehensive book on the region's wines, which she plans to self-publish, and has begun a Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign to help with its publication. We strongly encourage every Jura wine lover amongst you to pledge to Wink’s campaign as well as to share her project with others who may not be on our Chambers Street Wines mailing list.

In case you’re curious about what we’ve brought in from the Jura over the past few weeks, here’s a list of new arrivals including new wines from Tissot and Chais du Vieux Bourg. We also welcome two brand new producers: Raphael Monnier and Peggy Borunfosse. Don’t hesitate to reach out via the web, phone, or email if anything strikes your fancy. Salut! -Sophie

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