Summer of Nusserhof
7/16/12 -
(Nusserhof from the air)
Nusserhof is an unusual place; originally in the country, the town of Bolzano* has grown around the property, with eminent domain nibbling at the edges; most recently it was proposed to re-route the railway to bisect what’s left of the property but that threat seems to have been beaten back. Inside the walls Nusserhof is a kind of oasis, and the city seems far in the background.
Tyroldego vines, looking east towards the Isarco
The Mayr-Nusser family now produce some of the best wines made anywhere. They are pure and magical. They have the kind of energy and personality that can only come from naturally made wine – organic farming, organic winemaking. Others make wonderful wines from the same grapes (except for the Blaterle!) but the Nusserhof wines are quite unique.
Kevin McKenna in the tasting room at Nusserhof
*Bolzano is about 40 miles south of the border of Italy and Austria; this was Austria in the old days – the Tyrol - hence the Germanic names. The city is in the valley made by the Isarco river, surrounded by steep and spectacularly beautiful alpine country. The valley gives Bolzano a climate that can support grape cultivation – it’s actually quite hot in summer, and not horribly cold in winter.
Pergola-trained vines in the Elda vineyard Elda seen from above