Traginer NV Banyuls Ambre (Solera 2000) 750ml
This superb wine is made from Grenache Gris, Grenache Noir, Grenache Blanc and Muscat, from a solera dating back to 2000, aged in small, very old barrels. Complex aromas of citrus, tea, prune, flowers and caramel. The palate is balanced,...
Mathouans 2022 Vin de France Muscachou Blanc
"Mus'Cachou" is an off-dry expression of Muscat produced from grapes grown biodynamically on the schist terroir of Roussillon's Agly Valley. Extremely aromatic, this wine shows bright lychee, crushed sweet grape, and freshly pressed orange juice. The palate is dense and...
Petite Baigneuse 2021 Grand Largue Maury Sec
Lledoner Pelut is a relatively unknown variety, related to Grenache (and known as Garnacha Peluda in Spain). Philippe Wies farms Lledoner Pelut, Carignan and Grenache Noir in the Catalan hills of France, in a special part of the Languedoc-Roussillon region...
Petite Baigneuse 2021 Maury Grenat
This is a regional sweet dessert wine akin to Rivesaltes or Banyuls. Alcohol here is 16.5, but it tastes like it could be a chapetilized wine from California or Australia. As luck would have it, it's a natural sweet wine,...
Laguerre 2022 Cotes Roussillon "Le Ciste" Blanc
Eric Laguerre's "Le Ciste," (named after a flowering bush in and around his vineyards) is certainly one of the most distinctive whites of the Roussillon. Grown in Eric's high-elevation vineyards on acidic soils of decomposed granite, the wine is made...
Laguerre 2023 Cote Roussillon Eos Blanc
The 2023 Laguerre Eos Blanc is just a beautiful wine, from 60% Grenache Blanc, 30% Maccabeu and 10% Vermentino grown in Eric's high altitude organic vineyards on granitic soils. The aromas are elegant and distinctive with white flowers, pear, meyer...
Laguerre 2022 Cotes Roussillon "Le Ciste" Rouge
"Le Ciste" Rouge is 40% Syrah, 30% Grenache, 15% Carignan, 15% Mourvèdre, grown in Eric and Corinne Laguerre's organic, high-altitude vineyards on granite soils in the Roussillon. 2022 is a great vintage for the Le Ciste Rouge, showing aromas of...
Petite Baigneuse 2021 Roussillon Les Loustics
Les Loustics is Grenache from schist soil in Maury, nestled near the Pyrenees mountains. Loustics is from an arid north-facing parcel, and always has a nice freshness to it. The schist soils don a particular mineral aroma and finish to...