Stein 2023 Riesling Palmberg Spatlese Trocken

31 In stock

Grey-slate, steep terraces, old vines, and un-grafted rootstocks? Sign us up! Uli Stein's Palmberg Alte Reben Trocken is sourced from a steep parcel of 90+ year-old vines. This shows the sharp and lean side of Riesling with notes of slate, ocean air and plenty of minerals. 

Showcasing the iron fist in a velvet glove ethos, Palmberg walks a tighrope of featherweight ripeness of a Sptlese with the dry, mineral muscle of a Trocken. Ethereal yet structured, powerful yet delicate, multifaceted with notes of white flowers & fruits, rocks, a hint of petrol, cool forest and mountain stream with fresh acidity and sea spray, simply breathtaking! GH

Stein 2023 Riesling Palmberg Spatlese Trocken
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