Kelley Fox 2021 Maresh Vineyard Royal Ann Block Pinot Noir Dundee Hills

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From winemaker Kelley Fox:

"The Royal Ann 2021 is a youthful, medium true red with blue undertones and is transparent in a way that delights. These vines that I have known and worked with on and off for a very long time, border a grove of Royal Ann heirloom cherry trees that are over a century old, and I believe that cherry tree energy is in this wine through the connection of the vines and tree roots underground and in other ways.  While it doesn’t have the power of my Maresh Liminal bottling or the lacy, fine details of my Maresh Star bottling, it has an ethereal beauty and life force that to me, feels like a peaceful sanctuary with tremendous life force. In Japan, the cherry tree is a reminder of life’s preciousness and symbolizes rejuvenation and renewal.

True to the classic Maresh character, though, the nose and mouth are filled with muddled dew-fresh Oregon strawberries and hints of spice and blossoms. The nose also has powdery, soft minerals and disarming purity. The texture is silk, and the finish is very long. There is something ethereal and dreamy about this wine that is more about fluidity and movement than it is about still edges. This is my final bottling of this block, and I’ll deeply miss these vines."

Kelley Fox 2021 Maresh Vineyard Royal Ann Block Pinot Noir Dundee Hills
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